Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sept 17--Party at the Halifax!!!

This evening, Inez arranged for a party at the hotel. A band came and played Colombian music and we danced, danced, and danced. Colombians love to dance. They had a special drink called Agua ____ (which means boiling sugar cane). They said the lulu juice made it taste great. I inquired about lulu juice and found it was a fruit. Eagerly I took a great sip... and nearly spit it out! It tasted like a very strong cocktail and I was not expecting it. 

We enjoyed a great evening with the other families and hotel staff. It will be a treasured memory of celebrating our sentencia.

Dancing is in Colombian blood, so we hear. Silas and Lucia had great fun. Silas smiled as we danced and it seemed he had a great time, even though the music was very loud.
Brian and Lucia had great fun dancing. At one point when Brian and I danced, Lucia became very jealous. She wanted Brian all to herself. Made us smile.
Me and Silas "dancing".
Mama's and our little boys (Randi & Nicoli; Evelyn & Peder Dilon)
Hermane and Blanca--they stole the show...great dancers!
Pablo and Inez. Pablo is one of Lucia's favorite grown-up friends here. They goof around together all day.
Blanca pulled Brian out onto the dance floor. It was great fun to watch! This is proof that Brian does dance!
More dancing.
A song came on and all the Colombian staff grabbed candles and held them in the air as they danced. Really neat. Another dance involved handkerchiefs. We had a great time.

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